Labels:text | sketch | drawing | diagram OCR: PLATE 4 69 15' 67 00 ' 45' 6600 ' 65 30 30' 15' 45 18º 30' 18 30' + 15' 15' + 30 EXPLANATION Shoreline of Puerto Rico Contours showing magnetic anomalies in 18 001 18000' + nanoteslas (nT). Contour intervals are - 100 10 and 50 nT. Hachures indicate closed magnetic lows. Grid cell size is 0.2 km. 0 See text for method of map preparation. Data have been continued upward to an effective altitude of 0.653 km above the ground surface. 0 : Scale 1:200,000 See accompanying index map for description of individual surveys. MAGNETIC MAP OF PUERTO RICO By Andrew Griscom and Nami E. Kitchen